Was thrilled to have been asked to be a part of this amazing project. Extra thrilled to have my wee short gain recognition among the many fantastic films and filmmakers involved! READ THE ARTICLE: HERE
LOVE LETTERS FROM EVEREST review for Scholastic Kids Press
This lovely article about my CBC Docs short, #LoveLettersFromEverest from Scholastic Kids Press reporter Nikita came out on Friday and I am so excited to finally share it with you all! http://kpcnotebook.scholastic.com/po…/love-letters-everest-2
LOVE LETTERS FROM EVEREST hometown premiere at the Toronto International Reel Asian Film Festival
This morning #LoveLettersFromEverest played a sold out hometown premiere as part of Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival! Couldn’t be happier about our wee CBC Docs short and all the amazing people who worked on it!
Hyping LOVE LETTERS FROM EVEREST on SXM Canada Talks with Allison Dore
Hyping ip our CBC Docs short #LoveLettersFromEverest and the wonderful festivals it is playing this coming week (DOC NYC, St. Louis International Film Festival, Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival and Guelph Film Festival) on SXM Canada Talks!!
Our wee CBC Docs short #LoveLettersFromEverest‘s first review!! ❤️💌❤️ “LOVE LETTERS FROM EVEREST- utterly charming love story of the filmmaker’s grandparents. As one person said to me this is a cure for cynicism.” http://www.unseenfilms.net/2019/11/love-letters-from-everest-2019-doc-nyc.html?fbclid=IwAR0HmwEc54NJ8D6_IgDW6LjAEdmNqCTlTZkTLgg2snrF5bIDtPXy43NFciU
The Ghost of Grandpa Tong @ The 2016 Providence Children’s Film Festival
More SUPER EXCITING news!! We are absolutely ecstatic to announce The Ghost of Grandpa Tong will be playing mid February at the Providence Children’s Film Festival!!!! The film will be playing in a program entitled TRY-umph Feb 13, 15, and 21st!!
The Ghost of Grandpa Tong @ The Northwest Film Forum’s 2016 Seattle Children’s Film Festival
Super proud to announce that The Ghost of Grandpa Tong will have it’s U.S. & West Coast premiere January 23rd at Northwest Film Forum’s 2016 Children’s Film Festival Seattle!! it will be playing in a program entitled: “There’s No Place Like Home” – a collection of heartwarming short films from around the […]
Spring Has Sprung!! Time to Take to the Streets and RIDE YOUR BIKE!!
I am a born and bred Toronto kid that has grown up riding the streets on two wheels and even one wheel! TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING!! So… get on your bike and HAVE FUN!! This is a short doc I made for school in 2008 (when I […]
ReFrame’s Reel Kids Peterborough International Film Festival
This past January The Intergalactic Space Adventures of Cleo and Anouk played in its 12th film festival!!!!! Despite the cold kids from Peterborough Ontario (nice and close to home) attended ReFrame’s Reel Kids Peterborough International Film Festival where they were able to see our lovely flick alongside a bunch of […]
Charles Street Video Artist Talk – Wednesday Feb 25th
Hiya pals!! as a Charles Street Video resident I’m be doing an artist talk thursday February 25th to talks about my filmmaking process and show some of my past works and talk a bit about my new upcoming film The Ghost of Grandpa Tong! C’mon out!! http://charlesstreetvideo.com/event.php?id=265
Celeste’s Gallery Show at FINE & DANDY GALLERY – 2017 Dundas St. W
I put together my first gallery show this past January for Fine & Dandy a small window gallery at 2017 Dundas St. W.. The show was made up of my grandfather’s kodochrome slides that I scanned in digitally and retouched and printed large scale and hung alongside artifacts of his various arctic and mountaineering […]
I’ve recently been working with The Intergalactic Travel Authority / Story Planet on a series of amazing interactive workshops where kids get to explore their imaginations by uncovering the details of a mysterious alien crash landing. As well as donning a hazmat suit and pretending to be a scientist specializing […]